![Future Skills Metaskills [Linkedin Banner]-08png.png](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/60ee5823e567142633500f59/1727859961944-FUBVXPLHDST20FTI4WSL/Future+Skills+Metaskills+%5BLinkedin+Banner%5D-08png.png)
🌟 Highlights from our recent inspiring event: Future Skills = Metaskills🌟
What an event! It was a powerful blend of new perspectives from speakers, and a passionate discussions among super-engaged audience.
✨ Cheaw Hwei kicked off with a deep dive into the "Paradox of Learning and Solving," stressing that modern job roles are defined by capabilities and skills, not titles. He showcased enabling behavioural traits that fuel creativity across any field.
“Design is not just a ‘profession’, in essence it is ‘creative problem solving’”
“In future we will need to focus more on capabilities & skills, than roles and responsibilities, because tasks we need to do and problems we will need to solve will be not be clear”
“How do we bring back the creativity, simplicity, and ability to find joy in small, resourceful activities in a society that is so abundant in terms of resources and availability of things?”
✨ Nav Qirti contrasted the single-ambition of his father with his son’s multidextrous approach, sparking a thought on whether our education system and workforce can keep up with. He introduced his concept of metaskills—higher-order, transferable abilities—along with the IMUPPA framework for practical development of metaskills.
“I define meta skills as higher order situation and context agnostic general purpose skills that are effectively transferable to solve a valid set of problems.“
“The whole economy is running on one leg, we are running on function-specific skills; while the meta skills are becoming increasingly important as we kind of go along a life progression.”
“...we have to look at our school system, our work system, our policies, and our culture norms. And we need a learning revolution at every level.”
💬 Open Floor Fun:
When we opened the floor to discussions, the energy was palpable! The takeaway? Let’s do less, play more, and enjoy the ride while building those essential Metaskills! Here are some juicy tidbits!
“The biggest scarcity i see, in a world full of resources, is the time. Time to be creative, the time to find, time to make connections, time to make mess.”
“Much of the solution is in play, which is by itself some kind of lawlessness and rulelessness within certain constraints."
"Creativity and love are essential, with love as trust—if you felt loved in that environment, you would feel safe enough to be yourself and to play."
"What we want for the future of humanity is for people to be who they are and bring their unique skills—what I call 'sparkle'—to the world."
🚀 Looking Ahead:
The night was a fantastic mix of excitement, learning, and inspiration. Looking forward to our next event and continuing this journey of discovery together!
Follow us on FUTURE SKILLS NETWORK, School of MetaSkills, and Service Design Singapore for more such events!
#FutureSkills #Metaskills #LearningRevolution #CreativeThinking